Publication details

Slovosočetanie i sintagma v russkoj i češskoj grammatičeskoj tradicii

Title in English World-combination and syntagma in Russian and Czech grammatical traditions


Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The article is devoted to the comparison of the terms word-combination and syntagma on the material of Russian and Czech grammars and syntax textbooks. Analyzed the contents of these terms in the works of Russian, Czech, Slovak Russianists and Czech Bohemianists. Despite the proximity of syntactic schools, differences were found in the understanding of the terms word-combination and syntagma. Differences in the meaning of the term word-combination due to the inclusion/non-inclusion in phrases of syntactic constructions based on prediction, coordination, composition. The term syntagma in comparable languages differs in the scope of functioning

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