Publication details

Infarkt myokardu jako klinický stav manifestující zhoubný nádor močového měchýře

Title in English Myocardial infarction as a clinical condition manifesting urinary bladder cancer


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Onkologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords urinary bladder cancer; hypercoagulation; haematuria; elderly patient
Description The case report describes a 90 years old man of very good complex geriatric assessment results initially, suffering from urinary bladder carcinoma. There was inherited thrombophilia and carotic thrombosis 25 years ago with long term antithrombotic prophylaxis in the medical history. The urinary bladder carcinoma was asymptomatic until myocardial infarction with coronary intervention followed by dual antiplatelet therapy when macroscopic haematuria appeared. There is to consider the acceleration of coronary atherosclerosis as a result of concomitant inherited thrombophilia and malignancy. As a first examination to reveal the cause of hematuria, flexible urethroscopy was used and found only fragile endovesical mucosa. The vasoprotective treatment showed good effect. Haematuria relapsed after 4 months and invasive urothelialcarcinoma was diagnosed using transabdominal sonography, CT urography and palliative transuretral tumor resection. Considering patient´s age and quckly deteriorating health status, palliative approach was applied.
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