Publication details

Zprostředkování umění ve výtvarné výchově na prvním stupni základní školy - zkušenosti z profesní přípravy

Title in English Mediating Art in Art Education at Lower Grades of Primary school - Experience from Professional preparation


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Výtvarná edukácia v premenách času. Zborník z konferencie organizovanej
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Educational area Art and Culture; art education; art; practice; experience
Description Art education has undergone many changes in its lifetime and these have been directed at various educational institutions. Current compulsory education in the Czech Republic gives us the possibility to actively work with the initiatives within art and culture. Nevertheless, the practice of schools, especially primary ones, shows that teachers repeat "proven" topics, stereotypical conceived lessons and insufficient use of the stimuli from contemporary art. New pedagogical thinking can be brought into practice, for example by students who are undertaking their initial teaching experience training. They should demonstrate a positive relationship to culture and art, but also have their own experience of how to react creatively to the works they perceive in public exhibitions.

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