Publication details

Pobyt vědce na české základně v Antarktidě 2014-2015

Title in English Stay of a scientist at the Czech base in Antarctica 2014-2015


Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description It has been 15 years since Johann Gregor Mendel Station was built in Antarctica. The base works as a summer station, where expeditions of Czech scientists stay every year from January to March. The station is owned and operated by Masaryk University, which solves the costs of operation and maintenance from its own resources and from the support of the Ministry of Education. You can learn how it was going on and what is happening at the base in the lecture program of the participant of one of them, doc. RNDr. Alena Žákovská, Ph.D., MU teacher.

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