Publication details

Boj o posvěcenou půdu : Zacházení s těly sebevrahů v brněnské diecézi po dekriminalizaci sebevraždy (1850–1900)

Title in English The struggle for consecrated ground : Treatment of suicides bodies in the Brno diocese after the decriminalisation of suicide (1850–1900)

TINKOVÁ Daniela MALÝ Tomáš

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Časopis Matice moravské
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Suicide; cemeteries; 19th century; Concordat of 1855
Description The study deals with the issue of the treatment of suicides bodies after the decriminalisation of suicide in the Habsburg Monarchy in 1850. Because, in spite of decriminalisation, canon law remained in force prohibiting suicides from resting in consecrated ground, there were frequent conflicts between the ecclesiastical and secular powers in which the local community was often actively engaged. The aim of the study is primarily to give a sense of these conflicts, using the example of Moravia, especially on the material basis of the rich documents preserved in the collections of the Bishop’s Consistory in Brno.

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