Publication details

Význam hyperbarické medicíny a současná doporučení u vybraných akutních indikací v urgentní medicíně a intenzivní péči

Title in English Importance of hyperbaric medicine and current recommendations for selected acute indications in emergency medicine and intensive care


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Anesteziologie a intenzivní medicína
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords hyperbaric medicine; hyperbaric oxygen therapy; clinical practice guidelines; necrotizing soft tissue infections; carbon monoxide intoxication; gas embolism; decompression injury
Description The European Committee for Hyperbaric Medicine (ECHM) focuses its activities on supporting the improvement of the quality of care and safety in hyperbaric medicine. The last 10th ECHM Consensus Conference was held in April 2016 in Lille. The current situation of hyperbaric medicine in the Czech Republic concerning clinical practice in this segment of health care is described. The specifics of hyperbaric oxygen treatment in patients requiring intensive care are emphasized, especially in relation to physiological changes occurring in critically ill patients. In conclusion, a review of recommendations for hyperbaric oxygen treatment according to the 10th ECHM Consensus Conference for selected urgent indications and clinical conditions, such as necrotizing soft tissue infections, carbon monoxide intoxication, gas embolism, decompression illness, etc. is briefly summarized.

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