Publication details

(Ne)Ztraceno v překladu: Mediace jako nová kompetence ve výuce cizích jazyků

Title in English (Not) Lost in Translation: Mediation as a New Competence in Foreign Language Teaching


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Cizí jazyky
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords mediation; communicative competence; intercultural communicative competence; CEFR; foreign language teaching; foreign language learning
Description Mediation of communication or mediation in a foreign language is currently understood as the fifth language skill or fourth language activity in addition to reception, production and interaction. Although curricularly embedded in CEFR, it does not receive sufficient attention in the Czech Republic. The aim of the present contribution is to stimulate the interest of professionals on this issue and to contribute to the innovation of the foreign language teaching methodology.

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