Publication details

Z „laboratoře“ do ostrého provozu – co přinese rozšíření nepřijatelnosti kasační stížnosti

Title in English From „laboratory“ to live operation - what the broadening of the unacceptability of cassation complaint will bring


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Soudní rozhledy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Repozitář MU
Keywords cassation complaint
Attached files
Description After the introduction of the assessment of the inadmissibility of cassation complaints in international protection cases in proceedings before the Supreme Administrative Court (Section 104a of the CPR), Vojtěch Šimíček published an article in 20061 in which he called this procedural regulation a kind of "laboratory" used to test whether such an element has its place in our legal system and whether it will lead to a more efficient Czech justice system. As of 1 April 2021, an amendment came into force which quite fundamentally 2 3 expanded the range of cases in which admissibility is to be assessed. This means that this institute passes the (metaphorical) laboratory test and can it be introduced into the "live operation" of administrative justice?

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