Publication details

Valerij Vilinskij a slovanská otázka, její kontext a krize 30. let 20. století

Title in English Valerii Vilinskii and Slavonic Questions, its Contexts and Crisis of the 1930s


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Slavistika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Valerii Vilinskii; Slavonic questions; three conceptions of Slavonic mutuality; Vilinskii’s conception; general crisis of the 1930s
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Description The present study deals with one of the publications of the Russian emigré, lawyer, political scientist and journalist Valerii Vilinskii (1903–1955), son of the contractual professor of Masaryk University Sergii Vilinskii (1876–1950) who played a significant role in Czechoslovakia’s political development after 1945, man of a tragic fate. The subject is represented by his minute work On the Slavonic Question. Three Conceptions of Slavonic Mutuality (1930). Valerii Vilinskii whose other publications the author of the present treatise dealt with, explicates the three conceptions of the so-called Slavonic mutuality, i. e. democratic, Catholic, and Russophile. In this contribution Vilinskii’s work is being critically examined, and the permeation of the three mentioned conceptions is being interpreted in connection with other phenomena of interwar Czechoslovakia where Vilinskiii lived, on the background of the general crisis of the 1930s and in the confrontation with special literature.
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