Publication details

Arching Over Natural and Created Languages, or: The Xmetov Shall Live with Esperanto, the Dutch Shall Lie Down with the Ygyde, the Quenya Shall Breathe with the Niotic



Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Although the idea seems intuitively acceptable, are created languages the same stuff as natural languages? Let us take a look beyond the hypothesis that language creation is a natural cognitive process by proposing that there is a particular unifying cognitive ground for created and natural languages. And that it roots in what the language function is. Considering natural languages to span from pidgins to full literary ones, the created languages may be represented by pseudo-languages like zaum in poetry or Emerald Tablet language by Wilhelm Ch. Kriegsmann, through naming and moot languages of Michal Ajvaz, conceptual creations of John Wilkins and John Quijada, up to temples of quasi-natural languages like Sindarin or Itlani. I will present an analysis of potential common features from the linguistic point of view regarding the function of the above-mentioned entities and establish those shared by both, natural languages and these created. I would also try to illustrate what such an approach may contribute to both, academic linguistics and living language creation. And maybe, a magician will show up.

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