Publication details

Su Dante e gli "Inni alle Grazie" di Ugo Foscolo

Title in English On Dante and the "Hymns to the Graces" of Ugo Foscolo

VAGATA Daniela Shalom

Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studi e problemi di critica testuale
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Dante Alighieri; Ugo Foscolo; "Inni alle Grazie"; Pindaric style; myth; work in progress
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Description My paper focuses on the relationships between two works of Ugo Foscolo: Le Grazie and the Discorso sul testo e sulle opinioni diverse prevalenti intorno alla storia e alla emendazione critica della Commedia di Dante written during his exile in London. Given the hypothesis that Le Grazie are pivotal in Foscolo’s work, I demonstrate how the literary and aesthetic thought concerning the poem is preponderant in Foscolo’s criticism of Dante, while, in turn, his critical work of Dante allows a deeper understanding of some issues concerning the Graces.

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