Publication details

Mikrostopy a jejich využití v rámci dokazování v trestním řízení

Title in English Microarrays and their use in criminal evidence proceedings


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Trestněprávní revue
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Repozitář MU
Keywords traces; micro-traces; proces of prooving; criminal proceedings; Jiri Straka
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Description The proces of prooving is one of the core parts of the entire criminal procedure and helps to fulfil its purpose. Modern criminalistic science helps to search for and secure traces at places or things connected with a criminally relevant event. Depending on the development of the technologies used for these purposes, an ever wider range of traces can be used and examined, one of such types of traces being the so-called micro-traces, which are primarily latent in nature and which are left by the perpetrator on places or things independently of his will, which means that their creation is virtually impossible to prevent. The article deals with the definition of this type of traces and its placement in the context of criminalistic science, specifics of working with these traces and also criminal law aspects of using microtraces as evidence in criminal proceedings. The significance of microtraces is demonstrated in the conclusion by the media-famous case of murderer Jiří Straka.
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