Publication details

Organizace kurzů češtiny pro azylanty a osoby s mezinárodní doplňkovou ochranou

Title in English Organization of Czech courses for asylum seekers and persons with international subsidiary protection


Year of publication 2021
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The language integration of persons with international protection is a long-term challenge of the Czech educational system. Its implementation takes place at several levels, either within the school system or in parallel with it. One of the integration tools is the State Integration Program, enshrined in Act No. 325/1999 Coll., On Asylum, §§ 68 to 70. Language integration within this program is a basic tool for persons granted international protection, and these have by law entitlement to 400 free Czech language lessons. The Association of Teachers of Czech as a Foreign Language, hereinafter referred to as the AUČCJ, has been a long-term implementer of Czech language courses within the State Integration Program. It has been providing these courses since 2011 (with a break in 2016–2017). The organization of courses for a given target group means the need to provide 1500–2000 teaching hours per month throughout the Czech Republic and at the same time respond flexibly to the specific situation of clients. A large organizational and methodological teaching team cooperates very effectively in the implementation of the contract. The paper presents the history and present of language integration within the State Integration Program and discusses the challenges that individual entities (MEYS, MoI, SUZ and the course implementer) face, whether at the administrative, organizational or linguistic level. The paper also discusses the strengths and weaknesses of course implementation based on the experience of the AUČCJ in the past ten years.

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