Publication details

Sigilla – arma – monetae. Sborník příspěvků k 70. narozeninám profesora Tomáše Krejčíka

Title in English Sigilla – arma – monetae. Studies in Honour of Professor Tomáš Krejčík on his 70th Birthday


Year of publication 2021
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Sigilla, arma, monetae: three Latin words which, with their onomatopoeic strike and, at the same time, conciseness, remind of the motto of a noble coat of arms, as well as precisely expressing the three pillars of the academic work of a certain Moravian historian and, above all, expert in sphragistics, heraldry and numismatics, whose research work has been known to the professional and lay public for several decades. We are talking about Professor Tomáš Krejčík, who has celebrated an important jubilee in his life this year. His friends, colleagues and pupils have decided to use this occasion to compile a collection of studies to pay tribute to the jubilant himself as well as his work. The authors include the jubilant's peers and long-term collaborators from universities, museums and archives, as well as his pupils and pupils of his pupils. A total of twenty-two contributions are divided into five thematic blocks dealing with sphragistics, medieval heraldry, modern heraldry, vexillology and symbolism, numismatics, and, last but not least, with noble genealogy, ennoblement and social ascension.

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