Publication details

Aspectos de la definición lexicográfica en la teoría del diccionario monolingüe

Title in English Aspects of the lexicographic definition in the theory of the monolingual dictionary

GAGO Jerusalem

Year of publication 2021
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In the nineties of the last century, lexicographic studies were enriched with the publication of the Teoría del diccionario monolingüe (Mexico, 1997) by Luis Fernando de Lara. The consideration of dictionaries as a complex linguistic phenomenon from which conclusions beyond the purely lexicographical can be drawn has opened up new possibilities in the study of dictionaries. In this paper we will unravel some of the implications that derive from the theoretical proposal of lexicographic definition that Lara makes in his work. Lara offers a novel study of the monolingual dictionary from a pragmatic approach to lexicography. The monolingual dictionary, as a verbal act configured as a social institution, conforms to certain rules in order to be valid, relevant and meaningful. Our paper will analyze the condition of validity of the lexicographic definition.
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