Publication details

Stanovisko Americké geriatrické společnosti k dosažení genderové rovnosti v geriatrii

Title in English American Geriatrics Society Position Statement on Achieving Gender Equity in Geriatrics


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Geriatrie a gerontologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords geriatrics; American Geriatrics Society; gender equity
Description This article represents the official positions of the American Geriatrics Society for support gender equity for women working in geriatrics. Discrimination can have a negative impact on public health, particularly with regard to those who care for the health of older Americans and other vulnerable older people. Women working in the field of geriatrics have experienced implicit and explicit discriminatory practices that mirror available data. In this article, we outline strategic objectives and practical recommendations for how geriatrics, as a field, can work together to achieve a future in which the rights of women are guaranteed and women in geriatrics have the opportunity to achieve their full potential.
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