Publication details

Age and Gender Difference in ICT Literacy and Biometrics Knowledge

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Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociální studia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web článek - open access
Keywords digital divide; digital exclusion; ICT literacy; biometrics; information security
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Description Accelerated digitalization during the COVID-19 pandemic and the transition from mobile phones to smartphones have increased the need for ICT literacy among the general public, including knowledge of the potential risks and their management. Generally, it is assumed that some population groups are more at risk of being left behind. Original empirical data collected in autumn 2020 as part of the PRECOBI project were used to identify the sociodemographic groups at risk of insufficient knowledge of biometrics and ICT safety. The novelty Biometrics Knowledge and ICT Safety Index (BIKIS index) was constructed to identify these and analyzed in the context of the Czech Republic. The OLS regression shows that the combination of higher age and lower education is associated with the highest risk of digital illiteracy, potentially resulting in digital exclusion. Regarding biometrics and ICT safety knowledge, the age of 50 is the cut-off point, with those with elementary and lower secondary education at a disadvantage compared to those with higher levels of education. The results show that in terms of ICT literacy, old age starts considerably earlier than in other societal contexts, which is important to note when designing ICT and biometrics-related risk mitigation strategies. The role of early life educational attainment should be supported to ensure ICT literacy in later life.
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