Publication details

Priama sadzba dokumentov rôznych formátov v TeXu pomocou nástroja Pandoc

Title in English Direct Typesetting of Various Document Formats in TeX Using the Pandoc Utility

REHÁK Dominik

Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Zpravodaj CSTUG
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Keywords Markdown, Pandoc, Lua, LaTEX
Description The Markdown TeX package allows authors to typeset documents in the Markdown language and maintain control over how the documents will look. However, the package doesn't provide support for document formats other than Markdown. In contrast, the Pandoc tool enables the conversion between dozens of document formats including TeX and Markdown, but only provides rudimentary control over styling. This article elaborates on the possibility of typesetting various text formats directly in TeX by adding support for Pandoc's intermediate document representation into the Markdown package. I focus mainly on the intermediate representations of Markdown and Pandoc as well as the differences between them, which my upcoming implementation will have to overcome. At the end of my article, I present the planned user interface for TeX.
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