Publication details

Navegar pelos socalcos dos mares: a geocrítica de um lugar mitificado

Title in English Navigating the terraces of the seas: geocriticism of a mythified place


Year of publication 2022
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Based on B. Westphal's geocriticism, the present paper intends to reflect on the migration processes resulting from Lisbon's position as the former metropolis of the intercontinental Lusophone space. Focusing on the strongly mythified micro-space of Cais do Tejo, my aim will be to approach, successively, the topic of the Cais as a place of departure (real or desired), place of return (in the confrontation of the colonial and post-colonial imaginary) and place of miscegenation (symbolic focus of urban hybridism and mixed identities). The reflection will be based on examples of Portuguese works.
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