Publication details

Anton Neumann (1721 – 1776) - MISSA SANCTISSIMAE TRINITATIS



Year of publication 2021
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Description The musical material of the Mass Ordinary composed by Anton Neumann comes from the collection of the Benedictine monastery in Lambach. It is a remarkable work by a newly discovered composer, violin virtuoso and chaplain, who was renowned in his time in Central Europe as a distinctive and ambitious artist. According to the signature the copyist and dated 22 July 1759 in Kroměříž, the mass belongs to the former music performed by Neumann himself during his chaplaincy under the bishop of Olomouc, Leopold Egk. Quite extensive composition is a strong evidence of the compositional structure and specificity of the liturgical music in our region. In the form of a presentation of music and musical excerpts from the renewed premiere on 9 September 2020 in an authentic interpretation on period instruments, the distinctive specifics of Neumann's treatment of the text of the Ordinary will be highlighted.
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