Publication details

Dulde und liquidiere im Unionsrecht? – Zu den möglichen Folgen der Europarechtswidrigkeit und ihrem Verhältnis zueinander

Title in English Tolerate and liquidate in Union law? - On the Possible Consequences of the Infringement of European Law and Their Relationship to Each Other


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Europarecht
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Keywords State liability; national remedies; European Union Law; procedural autonomy; renewal of proceedings;
Attached files
Description In its more recent case law, the ECJ often deals with the question of reopening the case and its relationship to the state liability claim under Union law. At first glance, this jurisprudence appears to be confusing, difficult to follow, and so burdened by the contingencies of individual cases that it escapes generalization. The present article aims to contribute to the systematization of these two claims.

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