Publication details

Teacher-Student-Environment Interactions in Fieldwork Through 360-Degree Camera



Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source New Educational Review
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords fieldwork; 360-degree camera; interaction; reflection
Description The 360-degree camera is a relatively new technology that might become an effective tool for the development of students and teachers and overall educational improvement. As “normal” video provides a maximum 130-degree perspective, it could not offer a complex capture of education. This paper presents a way to use a 360-degree camera during two different modes of trainee teachers’ fieldwork and proposes how to evaluate this form of education in terms of teacher-student-environment interactions by identifying the occurrence and duration of each type of interaction. It is evident that the type and intensity of interactions affect fieldwork significantly and may lead to different depths of learning.

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