Publication details

La Sociolingüística en el Diccionario de Autoridades: primer acercamiento

Title in English Sociolinguistics in the first Spanish Royal Academy dictionary: a first approach


Year of publication 2023
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description When conducting historical sociolinguistic studies, it is necessary to pay attention to all possible types of usage restriction markers that a voice may have had in the past. Usage restrictions change over time, and voices that in the past were perceived as diaphasic or diastratically marked, today may be neutral, may maintain the usage restriction, fall into oblivion, or develop another type of restriction. A good indicator of sociolinguistic restriction, explicitly expressed, is found in repertoires that reflect the norm of a given language, such as dictionaries, grammars or other works that provide guidance on its use. In this paper we present a first approach to the study of the Diccionario de Autoridades from a sociolinguistic point of view. Specifically, we are going to pay attention to negative linguistic attitudes, exemplified in the cases of voices qualified as low, plebeian and vulgar. We will be interested in knowing what types of negative attitudes were hidden behind these qualifications and whether the restriction was aimed only at sociolinguistic parameters or whether the negative attitudes were, in fact, multipolar and extended also to other types of variation, such as, for example, diatopic variation and the prestige of certain regional varieties of Spanish to the detriment of others.
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