Publication details

Ubijstvo Icchaka Micheleviča v svetě religiozno-političeskich sobytij Reči Pospolitoj načala XVII veka

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Title in English Murder of Itzhak Michelewicz in Context of Religious and Political Events of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Early 17th Century


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Caurus
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; Zhirovichy Monastery; Soltan family; Mieleszko family; antisemitism; Union of Bres
Description The established historiographical tradition considers the question of the violent death of Itzhak Michelewicz, a tenant of the estate in Zhirovichy, as yet another example of anti-Semitism on the territory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the first half of the 17th century. Analysing this event through the stereotypical prism of anti-Jewish sentiment leads to the obvious conclusion: the only victim was a wealthy Jew, while the main culprit was his murderer, the impoverished nobleman Ivan Ivanovich Soltan. Proving that there are neither completely innocent victims nor pure-blooded villains in this case, the author examines the conflict between Soltan and Michelewicz in the wider context of political and religious events in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Based on the documents of the Slonim City Court, the author concludes that the Soltan trial was not only a private dispute between two individuals. It was primarily the result of general confessional disagreements and processes that began after the conclusion of the Union of Brest in 1596.
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