Publication details

Islamofobie a identity českých konvertitek k islámu : Transformace kulturní sebeidentifikace a strategie (sebe) prezentace k úspěšné reintegraci

Title in English Islamophobia and Identities of Czech Women-converts to Islam : Transformation of Cultural Self-identification and Strategies of (Self)Presentation to Successful Reintegration

SLÁMA Bohumil

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sacra
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords czech muslim women-converts; dramaturgical approach; impression management; prejudices; process of social integration; self-presentation strategies; stereotypes; stigma; transformation of cultural identity
Description The article deals with the issue of the reintegration of Czech women converts to Islam into Czech society. It follows the transformations in the self-identifications and self-presentations of these women after conversion, which may lead to their excluded and stigmatized position in society. The paper analyses, along the lines of Erving Goffman’s dramaturgical approach, stigma and the narrative-autobio- graphical paradigm in the life stories of four Czech Muslim women, the possible strategies of self-presentation and impression management through which they try to reverse stigma and segregated position in their existing community or, the path of reintegration, without major losses to their own new (Muslim) identity. It also examines the negative and possibly Islamophobic experiences of these women, who, as members of marginalized minority, acquire a wide variety of daily inter- actions with Czech majority society, which is often generally biased against Islam.
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