Publication details

Charakteristika der auf Sprechen ausgerichteten Selbstevaluation bei DaF- Lernenden: Ergebnisse einer Interventionsstudie.

Title in English Characteristics of Speaking-Oriented Self-Assessment in German as a Foreign Language Learners: Results of an Intervention Study


Year of publication 2024
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The aim of the presentation was to present my dissertation project focused on promoting self-assessment among prospective German as a Foreign Language teachers. theoretical and empirical foundations, definition, and conceptualization of self-evaluation were explained. Furthermore, the research design of a qualitatively oriented intervention study was presented. The emphasis of the presentation was on introducing selected results related to the research question: "What substantive characteristics are evident in the self-evaluation statements of prospective DaF teachers during various phases of an intervention for the development of self-evaluation?" These results were interpreted and discussed.

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