Publication details

Celoroční hra ve školní družině –⁠ integrovaná tematická výuka Evropská unie

Title in English Year-round play in the after-school club - integrated thematic teaching European Union


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical (without peer review)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description This article describes the implementation of a year-long game on the European Union for second grade pupils in a school playgroup. The basis of the teaching was the creation of a fictitious state by each pupil, the creation of a constitution, a representative of the state, a currency. In the first part of the lesson, pupils were confronted with the idea: how do you behave, how do people in your state behave towards each other. The second part of the project was directed towards the topic of the European Union, where pupils could join their states into a union by creating a treaty defining the rules of the states in their union. In this way they observed the advantages and disadvantages of working with more than one state. The specificity of the implementation of the education in the after-school club draws attention to the possibility of linking education in the after-school club with school subjects

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