Publication details

Černá košile : (ne)známá oděvní součástka horských pastevců v západních Karpatech

Title in English Black Shirt : An (Un)Known Garment Worn by Mountain Shepherds in the Western Carpathians


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Narodopisna Revue
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Folk dress; shepherd’s black shirt; shepherd culture; experiment; reconstruction; Western Carpathians
Description Texts using magical practices formed an important part of everyday life, especially for the lower classes of society in the 18th and 19th centuries. Spellbooks straddle the boundary between prayer (i.e. a permitted expression) and magic (i.e. a not permitted expression). The text of a manuscript book often changed with the person of the scribe. The analysis of the different phases of the search has shown the variety of treasure texts content, which is usually not defined by the magical means used, the localization, the scribe, the subject, or the title. Nor do similar types of books show similarities: texts addressing the same saint (e.g. Saint Christopher books), texts following a similar theme (so-called edvartky), texts from the pen of the same author, or texts using the same “search” means. The text schematization is only manifested in the basic parameters, i.e. the search for treasure through establishing a relationship with otherworldly entities using various means. However, the texts make abundant use of fundamental aspects of traditional religiosity and belief in God. Thus, despite the presence of incantations and other practices, the treasure books are a manifestation of pious behaviour affirming man’s submission to the divine destiny.

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