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Publication details
The Position of the Warm-up in School Physical Education Lessons
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Year of publication | 2023 |
Type | Article in Periodical |
Magazine / Source | Studia Sportiva |
MU Faculty or unit | |
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Keywords | parts of PE lesson; physical education; video study; warm-up |
Description | The essence of the presented resea rch is to a nalyze the length, position, content a nd the pro-cess of the wa rm-up pa rt within physical educa tion (PE) lessons a t lower seconda ry schools. The resea rch study has a descriptive cha racter a nd combines qua ntita tively a nd qualita tive-ly oriented aspects of the a nalysis. The resea rch method used was video-based observa tion. The resea rch pa rticipa nts were selected from lower seconda ry schools in the Zlín Region – Czech Republic. Through 15 PE teachers, 35 video recordings were captured. For the a nal-ysis of video recordings, the deductive approach (system of ca tegories) was used.Based on the da ta a nalysis, the following informa tion was discovered. The actual length of a PE lesson was on average 36 minutes a nd 30 seconds. The wa rm-up recorded to be on average 6 minutes a nd 22 seconds of the entire PE lesson. A total of 15 lessons were led by teachers a nd 14 lessons were led by the lea rning students. Mobiliza tion (dyna mic) exercises a nd sta tic stretching were the most common focuses of the wa rm-up. The teacher’s ma in priority was to point out mistakes tha t students made during lessons. The teachers also had to give the students verbal instructions (except for the residual ca tegory “other”). The most common form of orga niza tion of wa rm-ups was the so-called “free in space”.From the resea rch, it is determined tha t the wa rm-up has a n importa nt impact on the PE les-sons. This resea rch could be appropria te for PE teachers’ educa tion as well as for individual teachers when prepa ring the PE lessons a nd/or reflecting on them. |
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