Publication details

Ultrastructure of nuclei of cisplatin-treated C6 glioma cells undergoing apoptosis


KRAJČÍ Dimitrolos MAREŠ Vladislav LISÁ Věra ŠPANOVÁ Alena VORLÍČEK Jaroslav

Year of publication 2000
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source European Journal of Cell Biology
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Physiology
Description C6 glioma cells, treated with a cytostatic dose of cisplatin ceased dividing by 24 h and most of them had undergone apoptosis by 72 - 96 h. The reactive cells were classified into five types, according to the ultrastructure of nuclei. Two alternative routes of nuclear changes leading to cisplatin - triggered apoptosis may explain the initially less or more damaged cells. These alternatives together with progressive recruitment of reactive cells, suggest intrapopulation differences in the sensitivity of cells or in the cell cycle perturbations induced by cisplatin.

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