Publication details

Nová antikonvulziva v psychiatrii

Title in English New anticonvulsants in psychiatry


Year of publication 2001
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká a Slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Psychiatry, sexuology
Keywords anticonvulsations; clinical practice; psychiatry; neurology
Description Psychiatry and neurology have not only a common subjects of research, i.e. the human brain, but in clinical practice also a number of diagnostic methods and therapeutic procedures. Common therapeutic procedures include in particular anticonvulsants. Recently new anticonvulsants are in the foreground of interest. They extended in psychiatry the spectrum of therapeutic possibilities in bipolar disorders. The author concentrates on lamotrigine where experience in bipolar disorders is most extensive. Lamotrigine is a promising preparation in particular on account of its antidepressive properties and the minimal tendency to induce a switch-over to mania.

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