Publication details

Jakou demokracii pro Slovensko?

Title in English What kind of democracy for Slovakia?


Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Politologický časopis
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Political sciences
Keywords Lijphart; democracy; Slovakia; cleavages
Description This article discusses the question of the best democratic model for the Slovak republic. The Slovak politics and society were characterised by great degree of polarisation in 1990s. The political elite was fragmented. Within there was run a sharp political contest between the camp lead by Movement for Democratic Slovakia (HZDS) and the camp of their opponents. In 1994 - 1998, HZDS tried to implement the majority model of democracy, but the outcome was endanger of the democratic regime. Afterwards (1998 - 2002), its political opponents have assumed the executive power and have isolated HZDS. In this era there were reinforced some consensual elements. But, it did not lead to ultimate consolidation of democracy.

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