Publication details

Cirsium heterophyllum in the Czech Republic: Distribution, Hybrization, Ecological and Karyological Remarks



Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Botany
Keywords Compositae; Cirsium; natural hybridization; phytogeography; autecology
Description Five natural hybrids with C. heterophyllum were confirmed through the study of herbaria and field investigations. They are C. acaule x C. heterophyllum, C. heterophyllum x C. oleraceum, C. heterophyllum x C. palustre, C. heterophyllum x C. rivulare. A chromosome number of 2n=34 is recorded from the Czech Republic and brief comments on morphological variability are included. The distribution maps of C. heterophyllum and of the hybrids C. heterophyllum x C. oleraceum, C. heterophyllum x C. palustre and C. heterophyllum x C. rivulare in the Czech Republic are presented, based on an examination of herbarium specimens and literary data. Cenological and ecological relationships are discussed. The climatic affinity of C. heterophyllum is discussed based upon the distribution of localities within the climatic regions of the Czech Republic.
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