Publication details

Kyselina askorbová při léčbě neplodnosti (méně známý význam vitaminu C)

Title in English Ascorbic acid in the infertility treatment (less known effect of vitamine C)

HRUBÁ Drahoslava CRHA Igor FIALA Jindřich TOTUŠEK Jiří

Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Hygiena
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Gynaecology and obstetrics
Keywords Ascorbic acid; infertility;
Description In a group of 76 women in the IVF treatment, the influence of vitamine C supplementation was investigated. In the follicular fluid of supplemented women were significantly higher levels of ascorbic acid. Zhe more than threefold number of nosmokers became pregnant compared with smoking women.

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