Publication details

Testování vlivu magnetických nosičů na bázi celulózy na průběh PCR

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Title in English Testing of cellulose based magnetic carriers on the PCR course


Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference VIII. Pracovní setkání biochemiků a molekulárních biologů
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Microbiology, virology
Keywords Cellulose; magnetic carriers; Bifidobacterium; PCR
Description Influence of 8 magnetic carriers, including components used in their synthesis, on the PCR course was investigated. PCR primers Pbi F1 and Pbi R2 specific to genus Bifidobacterium were used. Specific PCR product (914 bp) was detected using agarose gel electrophoresis. Results of PCR were compared with positive controls. DNA of four different concentrations isolated from Bifidobacterium cells was used as positive control(it was added to PCR mixture without magnetic carriers).
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