Publication details

Metabolism of bromide and its interference with the metabolism of iodine


PAVELKA Stanislav

Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Physiological Research [IF=1.140 (2003); SCI #cit.<6>]
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Physiology
Keywords Bromide; iodide; metabolism; rat; thyroid
Description The present knowledge about the metabolism of bromide with respect to its goitrogenic effects, including some conclusions drawn from our recent research on this subject, is reviewed. It is suggested that high levels of bromide in the organism of experimental animals can influence their iodine metabolism in two parallel ways: by a decrease in iodide accumulation in the thyroid and skin (and in the mammary glands in lactating dams), and by a rise in iodide excretion by kidneys.

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