Publication details

Sfalerity jednotlivých genetických typů sulfidického zrudnění na uranovém ložisku Rožná

Title in English Sphalerites of particular genetic types of sulphide ore mineralization in the uranium deposit at Rožná


Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Mineralógia Západných Karpát a Českého masívu 2004
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords uranium deposit Rožná; sulphides; sphalerite; sulphur isotopes; Moldanubicum
Description Sphalerites from Rožná deposit occur in following genetic types:the stratabound disseminated sulphide mineralization and skarn mineralization, the pre-uranium siderite-sulphide veins including newly discovered metasomatic ore mineralization in vicinity of the siderite sulphide veins, and the veins of posturanium barite-fluorite-sulphide mineralization.
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