Publication details

Marine and terrestrial bioerosion on Miocene bioclasts coupled with human adaptation (Paleolithic archaeological sites of South Moravia, Czech Republic)



Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Mikuláš R., ed.: 4th International Bioerosion Workshop, Prague, August 30 - September 3, 2004 - Abstract Book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords bioerosion; Miocene; bioclasts; Paleolithic; South Moravia; Czech Republic
Description Various bioerosion traces found on the Miocene molluscan shells from the Late Palaeolithic archaeological sites Pavlov I and Dolní Věstonice II are described and analysed.Besides the human-made perforations numerous original Miocene bioerosive traces were found. Another interesting bioerosion example from the Pavlov I locality is represented by the incomplete Miocene shark tooth with traces of human activity and corrasion root traces.

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