Publication details

Powers of Anova Tests for Variables with General Distribution from Exponential Class

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Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference The Joint Proceedings of Accuracy 2004 and TIES 2004
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Applied statistics, operation research
Keywords power function; exponential class of distributions; generalized linear model; ANOVA
Description The asymptotic powers of the test used in generalized linear models for comparison of the population means (ANOVA type models) and based on scale deviance statistics or score statistics are derived in the paper. The algorithm for calculation of the asymptotic power of the above mentioned test is described. This algorithm was computer implemented in MATLAB and used for the comparison of the asymptotic powers with the simulated powers of considered test for small sample sizes (for models with Poisson, gamma, binomial and negative binomial distributed response variables). Finally, obtained results are applied to environmetrical data for finding the suitable experimental design.
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