Publication details

Postup při schvalování volebního zákona podle čl. 40 Ústavy ČR

Title in English Proceeding by the adoption of the election law according the Art. 40 of the Czech Constitution


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords notion of the "election law"; methods of interpretation of a constitution; textual; historical; systematic and teleological approach
Description Study deals with the rise about interpretation of the notion "election law" used in Art 40 of the Czech constitution. History of preparation and adoption of this Art 40, changes in its formulations and possible authors intention (the regulation of election to the Parliament only, not to the representative bodies of the self-governing units). Methods of interpretation of a constitution - textual, historical, systematic and teleological approach. The way of denotation of the election laws in history since 19th century. In the end author deals with possible concequences of the future ruling of the Czech Constitutional court.
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