Publication details

Diagnostic of Plasmachemical Removal of Copper Based Corrosion Layers



Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source CHEMICKÉ LISTY
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Plasma physics
Keywords plasma treatment; corrosion layer
Description The article gives the results of complex corrosion layers removal by low-pressure hydrogen plasma. The corrosion layers contain also the chlorine, amino, carbon, sulfate and other corrosion types. The complex corrosion layers on the copper samples were prepared in this study. Besides the hydrogen and OH radicals spectra the spectra of molecules containing nitrogen, carbon and oxygen were recorded as a function of the plasma treatment duration. These species are removed from the plasma faster than oxides and thus the monitoring of OH radicals spectra will be sufficient for the process monitoring in the cases when the oxide corrosion is presented, too.
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