Publication details

L'Europeismo di Silvio Pellico: grazie delle prigioni e i doveri di un cristiano

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Title in English Silvio Pellico - An European: Graces of the Prisons and Duties of an Christian


Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Un continente al bivio: L'Europa per fare cosa ?
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords Silvio Pellico; Italian Literature; Religion; Moral Philosophy; Political Theory
Description The new edition of The History of My Imprisonments (Le mie prigioni, 2004) of the Italian writer Silvio Pellico reveals the fact of his religious conversion to catholicism before his deportation to Spilberg (Brno)in 1822 - the event and another details were removed by censorship. The study re-considers the importance of religious experience in the whole work of Silvio Pellico, that expresses his "civilian" christianity with deep personal commitment, honesty and intellectual clarity. What can it bring into the discussion about the European identity ?
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