Publication details

Rosicko-Oslavansko: Krajina ve spirále

Title in English Rosice-Oslavany Mining Area: Landscape in spire


Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Životné prostredie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Land protection
Keywords post-industrial landscape - protection - development
Description Post-industrial landscapes became typical for many regions of Czech Republic in the last 15 years as results of unsuccessful transition and privatisation of industry (heavy, textile, glass) as well as of agricultural animal production facilities, extend school areas and railroad stations etc. At the present, brownfields as common indicators of post-industrial landscapes cover about 120 sq km in Czech Republic. There are also other elements that a post-industrial landscape consists of. The former Rosicko-Oslavansko Mining Area (15 km westwards from City of Brno) serves as study area for the documentation of such kind of „cultural“ landscape. Its geographical features (factors) are classified into three groups: geographic position, environmental situation and extend, non-commercial area values. Local post-industrial landscape inventory results are presented in the map. Some remarks about possible legislative protection of the selected segments of the Rosicko-Oslavansko post-industrial landscape are presented in the conclusion.

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