Publication details

Aplikace mobilních GIS a GPS pro sběr dat a mapování

Title in English Applications of mobil GIS and GPS for data collection and mapping


Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference JUNIORSTAV 2004 6. Odborná konference doktorského studia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords Mobil GIS; GPS; data collection; mapping
Description Fast development of Pocket PC, mobil GIS and GPS - perfect solution for fast mapping and data collection for GIS applications. The most using connection between mobil GIS and GPS. Possible exploitation of multimedial utilities like digital camera, film-camera, cellular telephone, internet. Presentation of Esri and Trimble technology - Arcpad, Terrasync. Expected usage for mapping and creation GIS of polar station in James Ross island.

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