Publication details

Uprchlíci v zahraničí na stránkách českého tisku

Title in English Refugees in the world in the Czech press


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Cizinci, našinci a média
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Sociology, demography
Keywords refugees';'mass media';'media analysis
Description This paper analyses the media portrait of refugees in various world countries constructed by the Czech media. It shows contexts in which the Czech media display refugees in the world, analyses differences in media presentation of the refugees situated in different geographical regions of the world and denotes particular aspects and stereotypes of refugeeness forced by the media. The refugees are portrayed as anonymous homogenous mass of people threatening the society they enter. This receiving societies point of view on refugees recedes as they are far away from them and then the image of refugees as suffering and in-need people predominates.
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