Publication details

Subulispora biappendiculata, anamorph sp. nov. from Borneo (Malaysia) and a review of the genus



Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Fungal Diversity
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Microbiology, virology
Keywords Subulispora species; morphology; submerged leaves; Subulispora genus;Cylindrosympodium
Description A new species of Subulispora is described from leaves collected in a stream in Borneo. It differs from other species of Subulispora by conidia with a typically two-armed terminal appendage. On the basis of literature, a review of the hitherto described species is presented. A great heterogeneity with respect to the conidial morphology is pointed out. Subulispora africana is transferred to Cylindrosympodium. Seven species (Subulispora "in the narrow sense") are considered to correspond relatively well to the original concept of the genus and are keyed out.
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