Publication details

Diabetický cystoidní makulární edém. Výsledky pars plana vitrektomie

Title in English Diabetic cystoid macular edema. Results of pars plana vitrectomy

SYNEK Svatopluk SYNKOVÁ Monika

Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborní abstrakt
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field ORL, ophthalmology, stomatology
Keywords Diabetic macular edema; pars plana vitrectomy
Description Aim: focal laser coagulation is standard therapy of diabetic macular edema. Nowadays results of PPV with peeling of internal limiting membrane (ILM) are promising. Methods: 20 patients were randomized into two groups. Exclusion criteria were previous laser coagulation, glaucoma or intravitreal injection. Group one was treated only by means of laser, second one PPV with ILM peeling. Follow-up of both groups were 12 -24 months. Results: Main visual acuity 0.08 increase to 0.25 in both groups. In PPV we found relatively better visual acuity after surgery. Conclusion: Results of PPV are promising. Broad randomized control study is required for evolution of both treatment modalities.
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