Publication details

Zadlužení ČD a SŽDC

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Title in English Indebtness of CD and SZDC

TOMEŠ Zdeněk

Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Rozvoj systémů osobní dopravy z hlediska respektování požadavků uživatele
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords railways; policy; unbundling
Description The paper analyses the debts of two major railway enterprises in Czech Republic, the incumbent operator Czech Rails (CD) and the infrastructure manager Sprava zeleznicni dopravni cesty (SZDC). The paper begins with the analysis of the revenues and costs of both firms. The concrete shares of main sources of railways revenues are identified. They consist of commercial revenues, state subsidies and growth of liabilities. The main source of the increase of liabilities is generous investment programmes, especially in the field of corridor construction. The same situation will continue probably also in future due to plan of further corridor investments.
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