Publication details

Translation in Times of Open Sources: Need for New Definitions and Approaches?



Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty Brněnské univerzity, Řada anglistická: Brno Studies in English 32
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords translation; corporate authorship; internet texts
Description New tendencies in translation include shifts in the understanding in the internet community of authorship and copyright. The article illustrates this with two examples of Czech covert translations from the internet. While raising the question of sustainability of a Wikipeadia project in a small community of potential users, the article stresses the usefulness of Wikipedia as a source of many non-professional translations. These can be used in translation research (as a learners' translations corpus of a sort) as well as in constructivist projects in translator training. Further types of shared authorship are mentioned and the main features of internet translations listed. The article compares the intuitive notion of copyright assumed by internet users to that preceding its today's legal notion. Since texts created by non-professionals have become more influential, the author stresses the need for increasing public awareness of translation.

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