Publication details

Vzájemný obraz Čechů a "jejich" Němců v románech z pomezí

Title in English Mutual Image of Czech and "Their" German in Border Novels


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Eurolitteraria a Eurolingua
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords Czechs;Germans;fiction;Bohemia;prejudice;nationalism
Description The paper discusses the difference between two earlier national novels from the inner-Bohemia Czech-German ethnic border (German: Mauthner - Der letzte Deutsche von Blatna, and Czech: Rais - O ztraceném ševci) and two later ones from the 1930s (German: Rothacker - Das Dorf an der Grenze, and Czech: Koudelák - Hraničáři). The difference concerns the gradual prevalence of national-based categorization of literary characters which makes the artificial character of nationalism visible.

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